Money Hai Toh Honey Hai is an Indian film in Hindi language directed by Amit Sharma. It stars Rakesh Roshan and Neha Dhupia in the lead roles. The movie is produced by Rajshri Productions and Om Audio. Money Hai Toh Honey Hai premiered on 4 October 2008 at the Ashok Hotel in New Delhi. Money Hai Toh Honey Hai is the second Hindi-language movie. It was also the fourth movie produced by Om Audio. The movie is about friendship between a man and a woman. The film's plot revolves around the relationship between Suraj and his maid Dolly. The film's music is composed by Himesh Reshammiya. The film had a moderate opening at the box-office. The film is a blockbuster in the Northeast India, particularly in the Assam, Manipur and Nagaland states. This is the first Indian film to be released in Burma and the first Indian film to be released in the Kyrgyzstan. The film's budget was. The film is a sequel to the Punjabi movie, the same name, by the same producer, Om Audio.
Money Hai Toh Honey Hai is a Hindi movie directed by Amit Sharma. It stars Rakesh Roshan and Neha Dhupia in the lead roles. The movie is produced by Rajshri Productions and Om Audio. The movie is about friendship between a man and a woman. The film's plot revolves around the relationship between Suraj and his maid Dolly. The film's music is composed by Himesh Reshammiya. Money Hai Toh Honey Hai premiered on 4 October 2008 at the Ashok Hotel in New Delhi. Money Hai Toh Honey Hai is the second Hindi-language movie. It was also the fourth movie produced by Om Audio. The movie is about friendship between a man and a woman. The film's plot revolves around the relationship between Suraj and his maid Dolly. The film's music is composed by Himesh Reshammiya. The film had a moderate opening at the box-office. The film is a blockbuster in the Northeast India, particularly in the Assam, Manipur and Nagaland states. This is the first Indian film to be released in Burma and the first Indian film to be released in the Kyrgyzstan. The film's budget was. The film is a sequel to the Punjabi movie, the same name, by the same producer, Om Audio.
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